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How To Holiday In London With Your Pet

by Holiday Yellowpages

Photo Credit: YoungDoo Moon

Being a pet owner gives you a wealth of happiness. How else can you be assured a constant companion of unwavering loyalty and affection? However, at some point you may have to face the difficult decision of what to do with Rover while you go off gallivanting on holiday.

Instead of making your pet miss out on all the fun, why don’t you rather bring them along? You may assume this to be impractical, but that need not actually be the case. It takes some forethought and preparation, but you can easily take your beloved four-legged (or however even many limbs are attached) pal with you. Especially if you’re lucky enough to have London as your destination, because there are so many pet-friendly amenities and attractions available to you both. Dogs can even travel for free on the London Underground!

Before you leave

Before you embark together on your journey, first make sure whether or not your pet will need to go through quarantine. If you’re travelling from outside the UK, here is a guide to what you need to know about the procedure, and whether it’s something you will have to undertake for your pet.

Then, make sure you know where the best pet-friendly accommodation is. To make the researching easier for you, here is a list of pet-friendly hotels in London. Just remember to always double-check with the hotel in advance when you make your booking.


Get to know London by foot. Many assume London would offer very little green walks, but they would be wrong. There are many dog-friendly walking routes like Finsbury Park, Abney Park, Paddington Recreation Ground, and many more.

How about making your walk a social event where Fido can play with fellow furry friends while you meet interesting new people. Social dog-walking groups are becoming popular in London. For instance there’s the London Chihuahuas, the K9 Dog Walking Group in North East London, and the Beagles UK. Simply find a group in the area you’re staying.

Pet friendly bars and eateries are thankfully not a rare thing in London, and you’ll meet with plenty proprietors who are more than happy to give your dog a pat on the head, a bowel of clean water, and maybe even scrounge up a few tasty treats. It’s always a good idea to phone beforehand to inquire about their pet policy though.

Once you’ve had a walk and eaten some good food, why don’t the two of you attend the theatre together? That’s right. The London Bubble Theatre is a pet-loving theatre production company that welcomes your beloved companions at their performances.

And finally, if you have the cash for it, book yourself into The Pet Spa on the fourth floor of Harrods, so that you can spoil your pet while you spoil yourself. A little bit of pampering will do you both good.

Although happy since her immigration in Africa, Queenie Bates loves to return to the UK. Especially with her adventure-loving Labrador, Gwen.

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