Home DestinationEurope Discover ‘Hidden’ Barcelona

Discover ‘Hidden’ Barcelona

by Holiday Yellowpages

Discover Hidden Barcelona

Discover Hidden Barcelona: Spain is a warm and welcoming country and the city of Barcelona is no exception. The second biggest city in the country, after Madrid, Barcelona is the provincial capital of Catalonia. Because of Barcelona’s popularity with visitors from all over the world, there is a wealth of advice and guidance available for would-be visitors setting out to plan an itinerary. The many works of AntoniGaudi, now protected under the watchful eye of UNESCO who awarded the architect’s best works World Heritage Site status, are a must-see with their graceful curves and swirls. The imposing SagradaFamilia, also one of his designs, although unfinished as yet, is also well worth a visit, despite not yet having the tallest spire in place!

Top sights

Discover Hidden Barcelona La Boqueria Barcelona

Other ‘top five’ sights in Barcelona include La Pedrera – yet another example of Gaudi’s architectural genius – and La Boqueria, an 800-year old market that sells everything you could possibly desire. Even frequent visitors to Barcelona never tire of wandering around the plentiful stalls, groaning under the weight of fresh fruit and vegetables, tempting joints of meat and much more!


Discover Hidden Barcelona Accommodations

Barcelona is accustomed to a lively and thriving tourist trade and the city is full of hotels and apartments to rent. No matter what you want from your holiday you are sure to find exactly the right accommodation. You can find a huge array of hotels in Barcelona, catering to all tastes, preferences and budgets, so be sure to check and see what is available when you book your flights.

However, away from the regular tourist beat there is a hidden Barcelona, one just as beautiful, fascinating and lively – but less prone to maddening crowds! There are even discreet hotels that cater to guests in search of a different kind of city break holiday. Check out some of the city’s top secret hotels or take a look online for information on the side of Barcelona that few people get to see!

Secret places

Cachitos Tapas Barcelona

Secret places including Cachitos offer the authentic Tapas experience and are everywhere in Barcelona if you know where to look. Surprisingly, Cachitos is in the centre of Barcelona, and manages to persuade the clientele that they are in a quiet, out-of-the-way eatery, thanks to its cunning décor. The Kowasa Gallery is another unique treasure, exhibiting thousands of photographs that track the history of photography from its beginnings to the present. The gallery can be found above the photography bookstore of the same name, where you can purchase books on the subject.

Other Attractions

Barcelona Botanic garden

Montjuic is a hill in Barcelona which has attracted much attention from developers and builders over the years and is the home of a beautiful Botanic garden. The Montjuic cactus garden is another of Barcelona’s beautiful hidden gems, bursting with numerous species of succulents and cacti. The cactus park is set high on the hill and the noise from the bustling harbour makes the benches in the park the perfect place to relax. Montjuic cemetery is also worth exploring. The final resting place of over one million people, the cemetery perches on the rocky hillside, overlooking the city and offering superb views to those fit enough to climb to the highest point!

Try to fit in some of Barcelona’s hidden gems on your holiday; you are sure to fall in love with this vibrant city and its loud and friendly people.

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