Home DestinationNorth AmericaCosta Rica The Best Vacation Ever: Think Outside The Resort

The Best Vacation Ever: Think Outside The Resort

by Holiday Yellowpages

Corcovado , Costa Rica – Photo Credit: Bas Vermolen

When you’re planning your next trip to Costa Rica, don’t be afraid to go out of the ordinary.  Sure, there will be some resort places where all of the foreigners go, but there’s so much more to do and see in this tropical paradise.  You could do what everyone else is doing, or you could have the trip of a lifetime.

There is so much to see in Costa Rica that you can’t do at home.  So when you go, make sure you get to the outdoors!  Here are a few suggestions for you to make your trip one to remember.  You’ll like these way more than spending all week by a pool drinking mojitos!

Visit one (or some) of many national parks

About 1/4 of Costa Rica is protected national parks and reserves. Because of the carefully balanced ecosystem, amazing animals and plants thrive in these parks. You’ll see all kinds of monkeys, tapirs, sloths, birds, insects, and reptiles in their natural habitat. If you’re more into plants, you’ll see throngs of bromeliads, orchids, and other tropical plants.

There are 26 national parks and reserves in Costa Rica, so there’s bound to be one near where you’re staying.  Consider checking out Manuel Antonio National Park, which was named by Forbes as one of the world’s most beautiful in Costa Rica. Other interesting parks to consider are Irazú Volcano National Park and La Amistad International Park, which also goes into Panama.

Capuchin monkey, Manuel Antonio National Park – Photo Credit: Roaming-the-planet

Take a canopy tour

Even if you don’t know what a canopy tour is, you’ve probably seen something similar on television.  It’s a system of cables and platforms, and you zip down the cables from one platform to the next.  The exhilarating part is you do it above the trees of the rainforest!

Imagine seeing the country from a perspective that almost no one else is seeing it from.  Picture yourself flying from tree to tree as you take in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.  Don’t worry about heights.  It’s totally safe; the guides are all experts and professionals and will take great care of you.  You’ll be at a loss for words when you try to tell your friends back home about your Costa Rica adventure!

Canopy Tour Jaco Beach – Photo Credit: Best In Jaco

Volunteer on a conservation project

For the more ecologically-minded traveler, consider going on a trip with a purpose!  There are several conservation project trips you can go on if you want to do more than just relax at the spa.  One particularly interesting conservation trip involves sea turtle preservation.  You can join a group whose jobs include monitoring nesting patterns, recording eggs and taking them to hatcheries, even releasing the baby turtles back into the ocean.  It’s not your typical vacation, but it could be your most memorable!

So as you’re planning your trip to Costa Rica, take a minute to think outside the box. Don’t do what everyone else is doing. Make your trip memorable! Consider one of these options, or look online to find one that interests you even more.  Your next trip to Costa Rica will be one you will never forget!

Jess Holmes is part of a team of writers and specializes in writing advice oriented pieces.

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