Home DestinationTravel Planning Holiday First Aid Kits – The Essentials

Holiday First Aid Kits – The Essentials

by Ross Davies

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Going away on holiday is an exciting time for the whole family and planning for your trip is essential if things are to run smoothly. Part of the planning that you should not forget is your Holiday First Aid Kit. Making sure you have everything you need in the case of an emergency could help prevent your holiday being ruined by a lengthy trip to the Doctor’s or Hospital.

What Should be in my Holiday First Aid Kit?

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Your holiday first aid kit should contain all the things you might need in order to treat a minor illness or injury. Of course, if something is seriously wrong then you should always seek the advice of a medical professional. Things you should put in your first aid kit include:

  • Plasters – Plasters are an essential item for your Holiday First Aid Kit and can help prevent cuts and grazes from getting infected by keeping them clean. Stock a variety of shapes and sizes so that you always have what you need. You could stock a spray-on plaster as these are waterproof and will keep the cut free from dirt.
  • Bandages – Stock different types of bandages in your First Aid Kit, such as support and crepe bandages. These are useful in the case of a sprain and can be used to help reduce swelling.
  • Antihistamines – Allergic reactions could happen to anyone, so it is always vital to have anti-histamines to hand. Popular ones readily available in chemists include Loratadine and Cetirizine Hydrochloride. They are also useful in treating the symptoms of hayfever.

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  • Antiseptic Spray – An article in The Independent reported that: In tropical climates, take extra care over even minor wounds, or scratched insect bites, as they can easily turn septic To ensure that this does not happen to you always include an antiseptic spray in your Holiday First Aid Kit. This will kill any germs and will protect against infection.
  • Eye WashEye washes are particularly useful in dusty climates and can be used to wash away irritating foreign bodies from the eye. Individually wrapped eye washing kits are the best as these will remain sterile.
  • Sun cream and After sun lotion – Sun burn is particularly common on visits to warmer climates and children especially should be protected with sun cream. A fantastic article by Lebreton Training warning of the dangers of summer for children highlighted that: Children’s and baby’s skin are very vulnerable and are more prone to ‘catching the sun’ than an adults skin. Always include an After Sun Lotion to soothe burnt skin.
  • Painkillers – Include common painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. These can be used to treat minor problems such as headaches and could mean the difference between enjoying your day out and not.
  • Splints – If you are going on a walking holiday then you may find materials for splinting very useful. Fractures to the lower legs and arms are fairly common and splinting the fracture could help prevent any further harm. In an article on how to splint a leg WikiHow advises that:Regardless of what the injured says about medical care, take him immediately to the hospital. A splint is not good enough to heal a fracture; it only works to stabilize it.It is vital to see a medical professional if you suspect you have fractured or broken a bone.
  • Rehydration sachets – If you or one of the members of your family suffers from sickness and diarrhoea whilst you are away then a rehydration sachet can help get them on the road to recovery faster. These sachets should be mixed with water and contain vital salts and sugars that the body needs.
  • Tweezers – This may be an item you have not thought of stocking in your First Aid Kit before, but a pair of tweezers can be surprisingly useful for removing tiny foreign bodies, such as wood or glass, from your skin.
  • Insect Repellents and Bite Cream – Depending on what country you are going to insect repellents can prove to be invaluable. This useful spray can prevent annoying bites, protecting you from irritation and possible disease. If you are unfortunate enough to get bitten always include an insect cream to reduce the swelling.
  • Travel Sickness Pills – Travel Sickness is a common side-affect of travelling to and from your holiday destination. Anti-sickness tablets, pear drops or ginger can help prevent you from feeling nauseas.
  • Scissors and Safety Pins – These are essential for cutting and securing your bandages.

By having a well stocked Holiday First Aid Kit you can treat minor injuries and illnesses yourself whilst you are away on holiday. Not only will this mean that some visits to the doctors or hospital may be able to be avoided but it will also help the victim feel more comfortable too. Remember to seek professional medical help for anything more than a minor illness or injury.

By Ross Davies

Ross Davies lives in the UK with his wife and two sons. He enjoys writing about various topics including first aid traing, employment issues, money saving tips and Siamese cats. When not writing he can be found in the gym or at cat shows.

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