Home Holidays Cruise Ships Survive The Storm As Passenger Numbers Grow

Cruise Ships Survive The Storm As Passenger Numbers Grow

by Holiday Yellowpages

Cruise Ships Survive The Storm

Cruise Ships Survive The Storm: Going on a cruise was once considered to be the height of luxury and the ideal sort of holiday for the great and the good, but that all changed when cruising went down market. Today most cruise operators don’t even insist on proper dress codes on formal evenings. This does of course make it all more affordable and family friendly.

But given the number of accidents and mishaps that many cruise ships have encountered this year it is a wonder that anyone want to take the risk anymore. In February the cruise ship Carnival Triumph suffered an engine fire with the result that 4,200 were left with no electrical power or working sanitary facilities, a total disaster. Now its sister ship Carnival Legend has experienced what is described as a technical problem off the Honduras coast which means that it has had to cut short the trip and fly passengers home.

On other cruise ships there have been outbreaks of norovirus allegedly caused by poor standards of hygiene amongst the crew; again the holidays of thousands of passengers have been ruined, and in January 2012 the Costa Concordia, and Italian cruise ship carrying 4,252 passengers and crew sank with the loss of 32 lives.

These and other problems have done little to dent the cruise market. They might result in a small down-turn in sales, but that is just short lived. The industry is growing with more cruise ships and ever larger ones.

Modern cruise ships are vast and equipped with cinemas, theatres, nightclubs, casinos, multiple restaurants, sports facilities, spas, swimming pools, in fact all the entertainment you could wish for. Large ships also mean lower prices, and while cruising was once a preserve for the wealthy, today many ordinary people make it their holiday of choice. Passenger numbers are growing at over 7% year on year. In the 1970s annual passenger numbers were around 500,000 a year; today they are around 20 million.

There are two kinds of cruise holidays from the UK. Those that leave from ports such as Southampton and cruise to the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, the Bahamas, or even round the world; and fly cruises where passengers fly to some overseas location from where they embark on a cruise.

Although cruise holidays are much more affordable than they used to be, they are still not necessarily cheap, so any way of cutting down on costs is always welcome. For instance on a fly cruise you can pay for the cruise part using an Avios credit card and use the Avios points you earn towards the flight, supplementing them with points you can earn from giving your opinion on holidays in e-rewards.

This article Cruise Ships Survive The Storm is a guest post by Claire Chat a new Londoner, travel passionate and animal lover. She blogs about Pets and Travelling in Europe. If you want Claire to write you specific content, you can find email her here or contact her on Twitter (Claire_Chat).

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