5 things you mustn’t forget when traveling

Packing for a vacation abroad can be a nightmare even for the avid traveler. There are so many things to remember, and deciding what is necessary and what is not can lead to hours of packing and unpacking. It is easy to get caught up in the craziness and forget to pack essential items that will leave you stressed in your journey. Below are 5 items that you simply must remember to pack for your trip abroad.

1. Universal plug adapter and Extension cord

Traveling abroad means an encounter with a lot of different things including wall sockets that are different from the ones you have at home. A universal plug will prove invaluable especially if you intend on visiting a lot of different countries in your travels. Even so, you might still need an extension cord to allow you to plug in all your different gadgets in case there is only one wall socket. This includes your phone, laptop, blow drier, iPod and any other electronics you might have.

2. Long-haul flight survival kit

Flying across the world is not only tedious, but can be mind numbingly boring. A survival kit to make your flight much more comfortable can be placed in your carry-on luggage for easy access. This should include moisturizer and lip balm as the airplane air can easily dry you out. An MP3 player and earplugs are also invaluable. They will help combat boredom, chatty neighbors and crying babies among other flying hazards and are a must have for light sleepers.

Also remember to carry a journal. This is a great resource to document your trip and will be a keepsake that you can have with you to remind you of your travels. Lastly, a travel pillow will make your flight that much more comfortable.

3. Shopping bag

Many European countries are now very environmentally conscious, and this awareness is fast spreading worldwide. You may be hard pressed to find a shopping bag, or be required to pay for one at the check-out counter. A nylon or canvas grocery bag is easy to fold and pack away when not in use, and retrieved when going out shopping. The bag can also double up as a wrapper for your souvenir, and be used to carry items bought at the local market.

4. Travel documents and their photocopies

Passports are a no brainer as these are what will get you in or out of a country. Other travel documents you might need include visas and possibly proof of vaccination. Apart from packing these preferably in your carry-on luggage, be sure to take photocopies as well. Should you lose your passport, you can use the photocopy as proof of citizenship to enable you to get a temporary passport at the local embassy.

One often forgotten or overlooked document is travel insurance. Healthcare abroad is mind boggling in terms of cost and can easily run you into debt especially in cases of serious illness or injury. Your insurance should cover such costs and allow you to continue with your travels unperturbed. You can check what travel insurance should cover here. Also, remember to carry a photocopy of this crucial document as well.

5. Contact info

It is always important to have your important contacts handy both electronically and in writing such as in an address book. You will be able to easily retrieve your contacts should you want to send a postcard home. This information will also prove crucial in emergency situations, or to just simply keep in touch with your loved-ones.

Packing for travel doesn’t have to be stressful. Most times, it is the little things that really matter. These tips should help you add crucial items to your travel checklist so you are not overlooking anything. If you do end up forgetting something, chances are that you will be able to buy it at your host country, so don’t fret and enjoy your trip.

Author Bio:

Alex Pejak is an economics graduate currently working on a few projects in Australia. She loves to travel and later blog about her experiences. Hope you love reading this article “5 things you mustn’t forget when traveling”.

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