Tips For Planning Trips With Family And Friends

For those who have friends or family members that live in a distant state, planning times together is often extremely difficult. Still, those who are serious about getting together can work out a plan for getting together and spend quality time. While no place is quite like home, choosing a meeting place at an interesting and agreeable destination is sometimes a better plan than inviting one family to stay at another family’s.

Photo Credit: Kiran Foster

Destination Options

Staying in the same house with close relatives and friends can work, but it can also put a wedge between people that is hard to heal. Everyone has their own ideas and preferences. Some may love to play host and never want to be at the receiving end. Others who come and stay may overstay their welcome. However when everyone comes together at a fascinating place away from home, the time together can be fun and memorable with any challenges blamed on the adventures of travel.

Resorts and fine hotels with family suites or at least rooms with kitchenettes are available all around the country. If some in the group prefer the beach, the others can easily enjoy the time with everyone on the coast. Those who love golfing can choose a golf resort. Not everyone will want to play golf, but the resorts provide other things to do. While dream getaways may lie in some far off place like Hawaii or Key West, destinations not so far away can be ideal for a meeting place.

When Budgeting is Necessary

While right next to a popular tourist destination or right downtown may offer accommodations at steep prices, hotels and resorts in smaller towns nearby may be less expensive. Staying in small towns near cities like Orlando, New York City and Washington, D.C. may be much easier on the budget. However, transportation and food prices must be counted into the planning. Sometimes staying at a more expensive hotel or resort may be better in price than commuting a large group or feeding them at local and expensive restaurants or buying food in expensive shops.

The ideal place for fun on the budget may not exist, but staying within means is important even if only one of the families has a tight budget. Enjoying time together is more important than having a hot tub in the room. Cooking simple meals and sharing together is preferred to eating alone in a five-star restaurant. No one needs to go way beyond what they can afford just for a vacation.

When it comes to meal planning and hotels with kitchens are out of the price range, bringing a slow cooker and making sandwiches is not a bad way to go. Meals together in a simple hotel room and playing table games on the bed or floor can be part of the creative fun and memory-making. Everyone can get in the spirit of being together at an interesting destination.

Simple and Creative Memories

Playing tag at the beach, watching the sunset and climbing a mountain are simple pleasures that can bring joy when shared with family and friends. Sometimes living on a budget during a shared getaway can be a challenge, but a little creativity and a sense of humor can make the experience one that everyone cherishes. Times of really “roughing it” on camping trips can become some families’ favorite vacation memories. People should get together once in a while with loved ones, and planning a weekend or a week in some location not too far away for either family can be an important way to connect and continue relationships.

Author Bio: Kevin is a traveler who enjoys writing articles to share his experiences and advice with others. You can read more of his work at his website Hotel Circle Hotels. Kevin travels often and does his best to help fellow travelers with their different situations. You can connect with Kevin on Google+.

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