Options For University Graduates: Many of us have gotten to that time of life when your realization hits you: you’ve suddenly become a grown-up and need to make a concrete decision about your future. This often happens just as you’re thrust into the big wide world after university, despite their lackadaisical reputation it’s actually very hard work being a student, as millions of us will attest. When you’re studying, you can get away with a kooky bar job or a part-time handyman at your dad’s car wash, but after the cord is cut you’ve got to start taking things seriously.
So, what are your options? Well, there’s the inevitable trip to the job center and various generic high street recruitment agencies, where they tell you that your lack of experience isn’t very desirable, as though the last 3 or more years studying have been all for nothing. This is by no means an enjoyable experience, but often a necessary one because, at the risk of sounding like a middle-aged father, jobs aren’t just plucked from thin air.
Of course we’ve got the internet now, and the many, many websites on which to post your sparse CV. The big guns like Monster and Jobsite are the natural places to go first, and once your resume is established, hundreds of employers and recruiters will start offering you opportunities to apply for jobs they feel you’d be best suited to.
If entering the world of 9 to 5 days, coffee breaks and brainstorming meetings with Colin from Accounting doesn’t tickle your fancy then perhaps travelling might. An inordinate amount of graduates and post-graduates flock to more exotic climes such as Thailand, India and Australia in search for a gap year that will not only give them unique life experiences but will also broaden their horizons and delay the inevitable plunge into the real world.
Alternatively, you can combine the two and look into living and working abroad. It’s actually easier than you think, especially if you’re considering Europe. There is a plethora of excellent websites out there that specialize in overseas recruitment, from journalism jobs in Spain to ski instructor jobs in France. These recruiters are able to identify your ideal job, help you create your online CV and apply on your behalf for jobs that match up with your skills.
UK employees are more desirable than you may believe and, as your recruiter will tell you, it’s much easier to get a job abroad than it seems. As a recent graduate you’re an ideal candidate because you don’t need to give notice with previous employment, you’re unlikely to have property issues like selling or renting out anywhere, plus you’re probably not going to have to worry about children or a partner and potentially disrupting their lives. All in all, spending a few years (or moving permanently) abroad is a rather feasible scenario for a former university student.
Whatever your next steps are, ensure you research all the options thoroughly before making any rash decisions!
By Harry Price
Harry Price is a free-lance writer who specialises in guest blogging. He spends his free time with his family and volunteering at local charities. Hope you love reading “Options For University Graduates”. Share your view in the comment section below.