Arou Grand Temple

Arou Grand Temple Located in eastern Jialong, 21 kilometers east of the county seat of Qilian, the temple is also known as Alike Grand Temple. It is the largest and most influential temple of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in the Oilian Mountains. The temple consists of the Law-Defense Hall, Babaoruyi Tower and Great Prayer Hall, etc. The most famous building in the temple is a yak wool­woven tent used for scripture-chanting, the largest of its kind in the world. The tent occupies a total area of 1,189 square meters, with 300 square meters of indoor floor space. It is set up with 16 ropes, 34 post rods at the top and 78 post rods at the bottom, as well as a horizontal beam.

Qilian County is a county of Qinghai Province, China. It is part of Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. It is located in the Qilian Mountains, on Qinghai’s border with Gansu. The Haibei Qilian Airport is located in the county.

Transport: Take a long-distance bus from Xining to QilianCounty. The trip takes about 5-6 hours.

Stone lion in Arou Grand in Qinghai Province.

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